I Found The Best Way To Get Affordable, Fashionable Clothes Without Leaving Home
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I love the feeling I get when I assemble the perfect outfit for the first time, but I’m finding lately that I simply don’t have the time and energy to invest in it like I used to. I’d much rather spend an afternoon getting coffee with my sister instead of going through rack after endless rack of clothing at the mall. No matter how I feel about the subject, though, I am hyper-aware of just how pressured women feel to invest in their appearance, on top of all their other work and family responsibilities. I almost feel like I don’t have a choice, like I must spend this much effort looking for new outfits, jackets and shoes.
It’s not that I don’t want to look good — it’s that my time and money are being spent elsewhere! Even when faced with this reality, I can’t help but worry: If I show up to work, brunch, or a party looking like I’m not putting any effort into my outfit from shirt to shoes, will people think I’ve simply “given up?”
Eventually, I knew I’d have to ask someone with serious style and hustle how I could have my cake and eat it, too. I asked my boss Dana, who has a Wonder Woman-esque dedication to work, a social life, and motherhood. She told me the online membership club JustFab saves her time and money in her hunt for practical, quality clothing.
I really didn’t know much about the membership model at first, but the JustFab website clearly broke down the benefits. First, I took a style quiz to help narrow down what I like to wear, selecting several pairs of versatile heeled booties, a great work-worthy floral dress, and a cute coat. From there, I signed up for a risk-free trial of their VIP program, where I got a sweet $10 deal just for becoming a member.
It only took one order to know that JustFab was the right choice for me. It was clear that I wouldn’t be visiting Target or Kohl’s as often — and here’s why:
1. JustFab Is Best For My Budget
I used to rely on Kohl’s and Target for looks I liked at a price that fit my budget. I had no idea how much more affordable JustFab is. When my monthly fee gets taken off my order and then I get the VIP 30% discount, I pay the best prices I can find. I never worry about overspending.
2. JustFab Is Convenient As Can Be
It takes time to drive to the store, and sometimes the lines there are unbearably long. Plus, if my husband isn’t home, I have to bring my child along, a bore for her and a chore for me. I can buy clothes from JustFab right from home or work, and I certainly don’t have to wait on any lines. And if there’s a month when I don’t want to add anything new to my closet, I can skip my monthly fee and wait until next month to shop.
3. JustFab Shoes and Clothing Look Good
All the convenience and affordability of JustFab would mean little to me if I didn’t like how their clothes looked on me — Target and Kohl’s do still fit in my budget. But JustFab has a leg up on them as looks go: I love how their shoes, coats, dresses, and more uplift me and make me feel confident. I also happen to feel as good as I look in them: the clothes are truly of great quality.
4. JustFab Cuts Out Hours Of Searching and Guessing
No matter how used to Target, Kohl’s, or JCPenney I got, I always had to search a while to find clothes that worked. JustFab instead puts them right in front of me. That style quiz you take when you sign up is used to build a personalized boutique that eliminates the need to flip through options in hope of finding that one standout. With JustFab’s VIP membership, I’m catered to, and it feels great.
Join JustFab Today For Your First Style From $10
I’m stoked I made the switch to JustFab. I can show up to work, brunch, dinner, and parties knowing I look great. When I rock my new shoes or toss on my gorgeous new coat, there’s no question about “not caring,” nor am I worried other folks might think that about me — I know I look good. Plus, I’m pulling off these fab looks for reasonable prices, from the comforts of my home, with outfits that are customized just for me. I don’t regret fewer trips to “the red bullseye” whatsoever.
Want to join the club? JustFab is offering first styles to new VIP members from just $10. But don’t say I didn’t warn you — JustFab is the real deal, and you might never go to a mall again!