People From These Countries Are Much More Likely To Cheat On Their Partners
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Is your girlfriend going out of town for a work trip? Are you worried that she might be lying to you and this isn’t perhaps an ‘office thing’ after all? Well, we might not be able to tell you whether she is cheating on you or not… but this is something you definitely need to read. Infidelity is a huge concern among couples these days and more often than not, turns out to be the reason for someone getting emotionally traumatized. While there have been extensive studies to find what behavior or even genes lead a person to cheat on their partners, the dating app Happn seems to have unique conclusions.
The data from the app was assessed to understand whether it is a “Geographica” thing. What we mean by that is whether a person living in a certain part of the world is more likely to cheat on their partner than someone living in a different country.
Well Happn seems to have found proof of this. The data from the app shows that people from some countries are much more likely to cheat on their partner compared to the rest.
These countries in descending order are:
1. France (54%)
2. Italy (53%)
3. Spain (45%)
4. Sweden (42%)
5. Belgium (38%)
6. Netherlands (35%)
7. Portugal (33%)
8. Denmark (30%)
9. Norway (28%)
10. UK (27%)
Data from the app reveals that among all European nations, people from France and Italy were much more likely to cheat on their partners when on a holiday than people of British descent. People from Spain and Sweden too seem to be unfaithful to their spouses or sexual partners.
There is another insight into the story though. They found out that men from Britain who had a fling while on a holiday remained rather optimistic about it turning into something more meaningful. This was completely contradictory in the case of other European countries. 70% of Europeans that met someone on a holiday preferred the fling to be short and sweet.
A similar survey by Durex placed Thailand and Denmark on the top positions with almost half their population admitting to infidelity. It was also learned that although men are considered to be more unfaithful in a relationship than women, women have been cheating on men at three times the rate compared to before. The Internet is being considered as one of the major reasons contributing to their lack of loyalty.
My girlfriend hasn’t picked her phone since she headed to Europe and now I’m having poisonous thoughts.
A lot of my friends are dating guys from these very countries. They should be cautious and perhaps I should even warn them with this article.
Wow, and my girlfriend is actually going to Europe alone next month. Now I’m worried.
never think your partner won’t find out…you play you pay!
Wow…I thought europeans were loose but this just proves it!
if they never find out whats the harm in having a little fun on vacay!!!