Being Homeless in L.A. When You’re Queer
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Being homeless is the second worst thing in Los Angeles. The first is being queer and homeless at the same time. A study has found that while almost 20% of the young generation in the United States is queer, the percentage rose to as much as 40% in case of homeless youth.
These numbers enlighten us of a severe problem in the U.S which might not have caught your attention so far. Why as much as double the people were found to be queer in case of the homeless? Or when directly put, why as many as 40% of queer teens wind up homeless?
There are more than 3,500 homeless LGBT youth in the Los Angeles area according to the LGBT center. Since most of the homeless problem in America are courtesy the rising price of owning a home, the story seems to be pretty different in the case of LGBTQ community.
Most of them end up on the streets after facing rejection from their parents or society in general because of their sexual orientation or identity.
The LGBTQ community is a lot more vulnerable on the streets of L.A. and has been subjected to:
- Repeated Rapes
- Assaults
- Other kinds of Abuse
The LGBT Centre too confirms the problem and says they eventually start showing signs of anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns.
They have usually confined to the tents on the streets of Hollywood courtesy the limited room at the center. The center remains to be the only family they have.
Things are even worse when you are Transgender
However, it is not all love and peace within the community unlike what one might think. Trans people have often been subjected to being outcast by the community itself. They believe that they are seen as a disgrace and no one wants to talk to them let alone offer some help. The center although treats them as the priority.
There is an immediate need for both physical and mental help to these youths who have been struggling both on the inside and the outside.
The center has been trying to help these people ferociously by connecting them to doctors for gender affirmation surgeries and securing them with proper prescriptions. To guide them through the entire process they have also been enrolled in therapy. The whole procedure is paid for them by the center itself.
Eyes On The Other Centre To Be Inaugurated in Hollywood by 2019
While the center is trying all it can do for the LGBTQ homeless community, the lack of funds has been keeping their hand tied. There are merely 100 beds in the center which leaves a majority of these people to live in tents on the streets. However, things might slightly differ once the Anita May Rosenstein campus opens up in Hollywood by next year. The facility will add another 100 beds but will remain localized in the Hollywood area.
And they say these things don’t happen here, but look at the numbers.
It should be seen and talked about more often. These are high numbers, our children and people. We have to do something for them.
I hope these people find the right shelter and help!
This is really hitting rock bottom, and not because you caused it yourself, but because others in their cruelty brought these people there.
If our society was more understanding of this, perhaps our homeless rates wouldn’t be so high.
Murder rates among trans people is off the charts and it’s sooooo sad. Why can’t ppl just let others live their lives?
May god bless these poor souls and give them the help they need to find a home.