The Real Truth About Coloring Your Hair While Pregnant

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When I was pregnant I heard so many advice what to do and what not to do. I am pretty sure that you are familiar with all those ”great advice” you hear from literally everyone each and every day of your pregnancy. Here, we will reveal the real truth about dying your hair in pregnancy. Let’s see what the doctors say about it!

It is completely normal that you want to avoid all those chemicals that may be harmful, but is there a real connection with those chemicals and the baby? We have talked to many experts with a purpose to reveal the whole truth about this and the answer is-NO. So, no, you are not hurting your baby. But, we need to mention one more detail about this. If you have been dying your hair without any consequences earlier, it won’t harm you. Why am I saying that it is important that you have dyed your hair before being pregnant? Simply because you may have an allergy to some of the substances your hair dye contains. In that case only, you may end up with some personal problems and harm your body, but still, it won’t hurt the baby.

There is also one more opinion of doctors that was believed a long time ago and that one is that women which are pregnant shouldn’t dye their hair in the first trimester of their pregnancy. Why is that so? It is their opinion because baby’s organs are being developed in this trimester. So, if you are very worried, then you can skip dying your hair in the first trimester, but as I have said, this is not scientifically proven.

Ammonia and peroxide are what most people were concerned about. We all know that hair dying isn’t so healthy, but almost nothing is today. The food, the water, the air we are breathing…

So, enjoy your pregnancy and try to stay calm as much as you can because stress is the worst one. Try to eat a healthy diet, have some moderate physical activity, and hope for the best.

I would like to give you one more advice that I wish I have listened when I was pregnant, and that one would definitely be-listen to yourself and your inner voice. Try to avoid all the other’s opinion about your pregnancy and how you should do this or how you shouldn’t do that. Enjoy this great period of life!


8 thoughts on “The Real Truth About Coloring Your Hair While Pregnant

  • February 14, 2020 at 9:06 pm

    So are there any hair dyes on the market that can reach the fetus? I want a brunette.

  • October 21, 2018 at 8:02 am

    5 children…3 pregnancies (yes triplets)…colored my hair all 3 times. My 22, 19 and 11 yr olds are all fine and dandy! Stressing over too much is what is most harmful. Relax and enjoy every bit of it! Carry on!
    Oh and I’m a hairsylist… never had a pregnant client have an issue w this either. Just saying! To each his own though. Best wishes!

  • October 18, 2018 at 10:16 pm

    It is 9 months of your life people, this is a minimal sacrifice for creating such a feat. There is also of course the next 18 years of their life you are responsible for. Smh …More people should use birth control. It is a privilege to become a mother.

  • July 27, 2018 at 11:52 am

    This is my first and only time I’ll deal with a pregnancy. I cannot handle all these restrictions!

  • July 14, 2018 at 1:05 pm

    I don’t know if this is really accurate, but I would still be wary. You are dealing with chemicals that can somehow reach your baby.

  • June 24, 2018 at 11:11 am

    This is getting ridiculous. Soon enough they’ll me I can’t even drink water.

  • May 9, 2018 at 1:17 pm

    Pregnant life is so controlling! Is there anything we CAN do?

  • May 1, 2018 at 4:48 pm

    This is oddly specific, but how convenient to know! That will prove my wife wrong!


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