This Hack Is Helping E-Sport Athletes Play Longer and Perform Better.

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This is where Alpha Clarity comes in.  Alpha Clarity is basically a nootropic caffeine pill with very pure ingredients.  It’s about as harmful or addictive as a cup of coffee or energy drink.  Alpha Clarity was designed by 2 gamers with the help of doctors and scientists that also all love gaming.  It’s sold exclusively by online and they offer new questions asked money back guarantee.

But how well does it actually work, does it make you play better video games?

To figure this out I put it to the test.  Normally I game from about 7 pm to about 11 am each night after dinner.  With dinner, I had an Alpha Clarity to see how it would work.  When I started playing I already felt much more energetic and excited to play.  Maybe it was just my excitement but that first game felt amazing and I played extremely well.

The trend did not last though.  The next game I played really badly and got destroyed!  Normally a lose like that would really blow my night but it didn’t feel so bad.  All I cared about was getting into the next game and doing better.  So although Alpha Clarity didn’t make me win the game it did help my attitude towards the next game.

By 11 am I’m usually getting pretty sleepy and will switch off playing competitive games and just do something easy.  But with Alpha Clarity, I was ready to go!  It really increased my drive and competitive spirit.  Wasn’t positive if I was playing better or not but it felt like I was more focused on every move.

When I went to bed I could definitely tell Alpha Clarity had changed how I played that night.  But still, I wasn’t sure if I was playing better or just more excited to play.  It wasn’t like I didn’t lose any games or always played perfect or anything all of a sudden.

I decided I’d need more data to really decide how things were going.  So over the next 2 weeks, I used Alpha Clarity almost every night before I played video games.  My thinking was I couldn’t be sure with one night if I was playing better but after 2 weeks I’d just check my scores and see how I did.

Well, I did not have to wait 2 weeks to know how I was doing.  10 days in and for the first time in life I moved up to Master in LoL!  I’d been stuck in Diamon for a loooong time so I was super stoked to finally move up to Master.

This probably wasn’t entirely because of Alpha Clarity.  I’d been working hard to get to Master all year long.  But I don’t think it was just a coincidence that it was after I started taking Alpha Clarity that I moved up.

Overall I’d give Alpha Clarity a 9/10 – my one complaint is if I take 2 in a day it really gives me a headache.  Just 1 is enough for me I guess.

UPDATE: has offered PeopleHype Readers a special offer on Alpha Clarity. CLICK THIS LINK to receive the offer. 


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One thought on “This Hack Is Helping E-Sport Athletes Play Longer and Perform Better.

  • July 16, 2018 at 10:48 am

    I don’t feel too trustworthy with this. I’d still be careful.


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